Part 109: Begone
Okay, so before going to floor 30, stock up on supplies. You'll see why in a moment.

Well, here we go. The final floor, the final challenge.

So here's one of the gimmicks of this floor. There's absolutely no random encounters. None.

There's still FOEs wandering around, so be careful about that.

Two Riptors guard a teleporter.

Said teleporter leads to this area, where you can find a nice treasure.

And this one takes us back to the start. Enough goofing around, let's actually get through this.

So this teleporter takes you back to the start like most of the other ones did. There's a couple these strewn about the Stratum, but these are exits in case you want to leave. Which brings me to the next gimmick, this entire floor has to be done in one go. If you leave early at any point, you have to start all over.

Now, these doors are special.

I said that there were no random encounters on this floor. However, when you go through a door, you'll end up in a set encounter. All the fights you get into (except for gathering ambushes, where Shiver plays instead) have Scatter About as their music. Which explains the whole event battles having this music in the 6th Stratum. I guess it was done to build up tension, because this floor is a gauntlet. You also can't run from these fights either, which can be pretty troublesome in one instance.

HP: 1800
AT: 70
DF: 70
Exp: 11700
Skills: Step
Item Drops:
-Common: Blue Skull - 1 needed for Headpiece. 15 needed for Blue Aspis.
--Metal-plated skull that emits blue light.
-Rare: Plum Scale - 10 needed for Angel Cry. (Gun.) 20 needed for Demon Axe.
--As hard as metal, yet as flexible as animal hide.
-Conditional: N/A
Description: It has grown so large that it requires a diet of human meat to provide the necessary protein.
Weakness: Fire (125%), Ice (150%), Volt (125%)
Resistance: Physical (75%)
This is one of the strongest monsters in the Stratum, and it's pretty disappointing with that in mind. It does show up in gathering ambushes, which is the only time this thing is remotely a threat. It'll use Step if it blindsides you, which is just twice as powerful as its regular attack. In normal fights? It doesn't use this unless it gets low on HP, so it's not that threatening. It's in nearly every door encounter on this floor, but it shouldn't give you too much of a hard time.

An underpowered party would actually have trouble with this, but not this team!

Within each of these rooms is a teleporter that will take you to the next area. Now, you can't just get into encounters over and over again by entering and exiting the room, it only happens once. The only way to reset the doors is to take an exit teleporter.

Here's the next exit teleporter.

For the record, every single enemy you've encountered in this Stratum can appear behind one of these doors.

And behind door number 3...

Now this next area is a bit different.

For one thing, there's an Asterios spawn here.

Also when you step into this section of the room, this happens.

Repeat eight times. I should note that those Riptors are one time FOEs. If you kill them now, or you kill the End-Bringer, they will never respawn.

This floor's Take Point. Use the floor 29 Take Point if you want more Pop Leaves.

Just assume that I've killed every FOE in this room, like I usually do.

Love you too, game.

And the last Asterios in this FOE Thunderdome.

The next exit teleporter and door.

And I got a reused encounter here. Whatever.

Now this corridor actually has a secret passage in it.

Oh come on, I know there's a bigger pool of monsters to draw from.

But I guess if the game insists on making my job easy...

Here's the Mine Point.

And another secret passage.

With some very nice treasures.

This is the last door that contains a fight.

Another exit teleporter.

And here's the final Chop Point in the game.

No, this door doesn't have a set encounter behind it.

Instead, it's another FOE extravaganza. The FOEs with the gray arrows are Icekings, while the FOEs with a red arrow are Riptors. Now, the game tries to pull a fast one on you, and waste all the progress you've made by including two teleporters here. Pick the wrong one, and you'll have to start all over. The teleporter in the center is an exit teleporter, which you don't want to take.

Instead, take this one to move forward.

Yeah, aside from the End-Bringer itself, we're actually done with floor 30. Anticlimactic, I know. It probably didn't help that my party was a massive bulldozer, so none of those encounters were even a threat. Floor 30 in EO1 was the same way. The floor itself was uninteresting and mostly harmless. The later EO games had more involved final floors.

Remember to open up this shortcut before you leave, unless you want to go through all that again.

The Head Piece is the Ronin's ultimate helmet. The other classes do not get such a thing. Someone on the dev team must have really liked the Ronin.

Well all I'm missing from the Monster Codex is the final boss.

Oh, and I guess the Muckdile. I never really encountered it again while I went through floor 30. I'll hunt it down later. Why don't we see how the guild is doing stat wise at this point?

Actually, you know what? Screw it, let's go take down the End-Bringer right now!

Time for the final fight!

Video: Ur-Child

Meet the true final boss of Etrian Odyssey II! The Ur-Child!

Using my standard tactics, as always.

That sounds ominous.


I guess I better rethink my strategy...